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Friday, April 17, 2009 @ 11:38 PM

Hello huns,
i've moved on to wordpress! eternity-her will be kept for future references, for myself to reminiscise because i couldn't bear to delete it after blogging faithfully for 4years! hahaha. Anyway so here's my new link!
relink please! (:
Much love.

merely needs.
Thursday, April 16, 2009 @ 11:05 PM

ohgosh, i'm so tempted to buy a t-shirt, jacket, top and a vest from f21 online. In fact, i have a long list of wants running through my mind now and i don't really want to deplete my bank account that fast... hahaha. Well, no harm just listing the wants down right? hahaha. So there it goes besides those f21 stuff.

1) a bagpack for school!
2) t-shirts for all of my shorts that could be found in the wardrobe.
3) a hairdye, i want to have a change in hair color! :D
4) eyeliner, maybe i'll get that in KL if i have the time to like shop? LOL.
5) sally hansen french manicure
6) biker jacket and pullover although is scorching hot these days. hahaha.

and the list goes on and on and on and on.....

Timetable is out today, caught a glimpse of it during work when bh informed me that it was out. I was pretty happy with it as it is rather well organized, except for gg to school for 2 hrs only on thursdays and fridays and full day lectures on mondays kills. Nonetheless, i think i can try to get a part-time job nearby to work from thurs - sat, to earn more $$. hahaha. But still, im so separated from the 2 XLs, they are all so gross cause they are in the same class again and me only girl again. ): Also, still stucked with sebas and yq in the same class. hahaha. So is that a good thing or not? lol.

Anyway, i had a great talk with my dad just now as i want contemplating in whether to change from my SAPM to AA. My mind was all so tangled like wires behind those home theatre system amplifiers when i got home from work, and after that talk with my dad i was all so clear of what i want alr. So yay, i'm not changing my electives anymore and shall go ahead with my SAPM, hope that i'll not screw it like FOI. hahaha. Alrights, long posty tmr's my last of work! Yes, finally a break free from all those calls then hello kl on sat! :D

Tampines one
@ 12:26 AM

Omfg. I seriously want to buy a biker jacket! Despite being really tired now, i've been doing online shopping, no it should be browsing. Went down to tampines one with ch, chris, yx, alvin and lorriane(yes finally i know her name, haha) after work today to shop, and to see. Well, it was really packed with alot alot alot and lots of people. And i've seen the jap shop selling tees, jap giodano i think, well was really crazy. Everyone pratically queued their way in for like an hour, to see/buy their stuff. Lol. So it's a way of behaving like a typical singaporeans or can't wait to see the shop? It's like the shop won't close down right... Lol. Couldn't really shopped much today, only spotted one high waisted shorts at topshop, yes shorts again and ch says it looks okay on me only while the salesgirl commented that it was nice, hahaha and ch says that the girl is lying....... okay, typical guy answer huh or maybe it's true. hahaha. Ohwell, will get back to there soon for more shopping when the crowd is not so big. tsk! (:

the bad and the good.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009 @ 11:39 PM

Ohwell, i had a rather terrible lunch but a sumptuous dinner today!
I'm having troubles in uploading the pictures from my phone so i've decided to google them instead. :)
Annie's Peanut Ice Kachang (Tanjong Pagar Market) - SGD$1.50
Ever since the first time i stepped into the market for lunch, i've wanted to try this. But apparently, i'm quite disappointed with it. It has received a number of recognition but apparently i don't find anything nice about this. I presume it was the worst ice kachang that i've ever had in my life. :X Well, maybe because it was really not my cup of tea kachang, because i only has red beans, corns and a lil bit of jellies at the bottom, seriously a lil until i can count them. The taste of the ice kachang with peanut was really not a liking for me, thou. hahaha. But definitely not worth the money. :D
Kuishin Bo Authentic Japanese Buffet Restaurant - SGD $43/pax (dinner-weekdays)
Suntec City Tower 1 #03-0023 Temasek Boulevard
Tel: 6238 7088
Yay! I've spent a good load of 43 bucks in Kuishin bo with ch just now, and till now i'm still so bloated! Although it was rather pricey, but the food definitely worth that price for it. They serves snow crabs, fresh sashimi and sushi(s), paper steamboat, golden fried tempuras, teppanyaki, ice-creams, desserts and more. Best of all is take a much as you can! So yea, you can skip all ur meals and just go there for it. lol. The moment i reached there, i felt like i was at foodie heaven. I couldn't take my eyes off the desserts from the moment i stepped in there as you know i'm a dessert lover. hahaha. During certain times, they will serve some special main dish for certain number of people, so you will need to go and queue for it. Pretty creative of them to help their patrons to exercise while eating. hahahaha. Anyway, it definitely worth the money. :)Oh, to play safe, you'll need to make reservations in advance to not disappoint yourself at the entrance! hahaha. :D

photo credits to kuishin bo, singapore.


great weekend!
Sunday, April 12, 2009 @ 10:42 PM

bh trying to pose for his very own MTV during mtv, one fine day during lunch at reddotmuseum. followed by cc video-ing and doing some closeups i believe. haha. then was the last day pic of bh with cc, cs. yeah. didn't managed to snap a pic with cc and cs, nvm shall remb to during my last day of work with others. haha. so that's a lil abt work. shopping on friday with ch, and coincidentally we both bought shorts/bermudas tgt when i mentioned i had enough of shorts in my wardrobe. haha. escape ytd with ch, yx and chris, my heart nearly dropped when we were playing viking as we took sat the 2nd highest peak. dinner at nihon mura was great, and oh yeah i've watched shinjuku incident, nice but i thought abit gross in some part for me. hahaha. ohwell, work again tmr. i can't wait for kuishin-bo! ohmygosh. :)

it couldnt be helped.
Thursday, April 09, 2009 @ 8:23 PM

I do have a thing(s) to update today! Yeah, last day for the twinnies. Did many stupid things, and they made me to do stupid things too, like standing/acting like some idiot who just ran out from hougang chalet. And oh crap, i really did a great job in being that! Omfg. hahaha. Then i was labelled as a vulgar girl beacause i've been using f word, okay no f word from now. Lunch was crazy, i had yummy malay rice, with rendang and i really loved it. But i nearly cried eating that cause it was too painful to bite, and yes i did scared the guys out. Then dinner at payalebar's sgpost centre, gossips and yeah we do see comical people. Okay, now i've also have to cut down listening to music during work, cause i heard it wasn't an allowed thing too. Oh crap. Okay, another song to share, pictures to be uploaded soooooon. Ciaoz! :)

Wednesday, April 08, 2009 @ 10:10 PM

This is how i looked when i'm at home, my room. hahaha, terrible shitz. Too many photos to be send and upload, will do it soon okay! :D

While i was working, listening to imeem as usual, since msn is banned. I came across this song which i thought is nice! Shall share it here! :D Nothing much to blog, because work's been mundane. Just that tmr will be the last day of the twins, yeah i do have a twins colleague/friends. hahaha. And 2 more girls joining the coy! Yay, i'm not the only girl alr, lol. :) Have been having liquid diet today, arghs terrible. I need and hope for soild food tmr! :D

Oh, i realized i've been sharing songs recently. Probably due to much exposure to musics from imeem! heh. Nightnights! :D

shades of blues.
Tuesday, April 07, 2009 @ 8:18 PM

Dental appointment today nearly killed me. Doctor Tsai washed, scrubbed and cleaned my teeth, and replaced the wire to a stronger one, and i happily chose 2 blues to alternate this time which she said that i made her life difficult. Well, i supposed she took her her revenge on my by tightening my braces so so much tighter, it hurts you know till i'm kind of lazy to talk! hahaha. Also to update, i've been running to the toilet for 2 days alr and i think it's really not good, no maybe good. Sometimes it good to clear your bowels. hahaha, ohwellz, i'm getting really random and disgusting here. Another oldie mouldie song to share! I really love it! :D

Love me when i'm gone.
Sunday, April 05, 2009 @ 11:27 PM

I couldn't find any words to describe about this week which has just passed, probably due to a huge tiff i had with ch the other day. Ohwellz, i'll put off those crazy thoughts in my mind aside. Very well, Ao2's did had a chalet, despite being soaked with those smelly fumes of smoke smells caused by the bbqs on my clothes esp my day 1 jeans (you know i needed to wear jeans to work and it's still day 1 only which i thought i could wear it twice before washing hahaha), it was really good that we still do come tgt every hols for outings, really heartwarming. Daniel's(yx) birthday dinner down at dte after work was also not too bad. 2 thumbs out for TPDE's performance, and yeah, caught miss joey cheng's girlicious moves on stage for the first time. Wellz, there was this lil odd feeling which both grace and i felt down at the audience. The feeling of only 2 of us gg to watch the concert tgt only. And seriously, i looked real awful in this photo.

So, this was last year's. Pretty far from the above uh. Wellz, When till we will have a full attendance again. Okay shall cut off that emoelmo thinking of mine's. I've uploaded a photo which i just came to know found it lying in my cam while uploading the dance photos. And yes, it's like gg to be a month ever since joyce and serkiat left for china and months after lynette left for aust.
I looked awful once again, gah. Okay, work's tomorrow and i'm dreading it alr cause now msn's being banned in the office. So before i leave, shall leave a song to share. When i'm gone by 3 doors down. Also, to update i'm on my eclipse now, very well i actually finished one 500-600-plus-pages book in a week with my standards! (:

secretly obsessed.
Sunday, March 29, 2009 @ 11:44 PM

I spent my weekends cooped at home, away from the outside world and deep deep in a fantasy world. It wasn't healthy, i know but still i was so addicted to the book, for the first time in my whole 19 years i've read like a bookworm. My dad thought i was crazy, i could actually read till i forgot the time and fast. And yes, now i'm slowing my reading speed because i haven't got my last 2 books, lol. But it's just so heartbraking when i read until Edward has left Bella, as for now. Still, sometimes i think i've betrayed my very own boyfriend by reading and being all over the book. Nevermind, he has his game anyway. Ohwellz.